
Monday, 3 October 2016

Agananuru 307

Is it up to your dignity, please consider, the friend-maid appeals her lady’s lover.
If you leave her here while you are earning wealth in a distant place the complexion of her face will become dull; her shoulder will lose its shape; she will not be in her sense day and night; tears will fall from her eyes as the flower drops water in rain. You must consider these points. Without considering, leaning her alone, is it decency to your greatness? Sir, please rethink your decision.
You have to pass through the way where the elephant which kills the attacking tiger; ferocious in its mood flowing lust-gland in its body even to kill the man passing-by; the bear digs the ant-hill to eat the ant-hive; the male-dove calls its female living permanently in the old temple from which the Deity migrated; and the route with huge rocks. Is it your wise decision?
Spoiled temple in Cambodia
கடவுள் போகிய கருந்தாள் கந்தம்   

A poem by: Devanar, son of Butan belongs to Ilam (Sri Lanka) lives in Madurai
The text is belongs to second century B.C. or earlier.

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