
Sunday, 2 October 2016

Agananuru 305

The friend-maid requests her lady to tolerate the love-pain during the days of love-spouse’s separation. The lady explains her inability.
Heavy rain is pouring beyond the limit of people like. The flood is running to say ‘vow’. The north-chill-wind is blowing to shiver. Hugging lovers on bed are also feeling shivering. It is midnight. I wonder how I am bearing the chillness being alone in bed. Antril-birds have the instinct of living together always; one raises its voice calling the other. The Pullangulal-music of cowherds is also hearing in the evening. In such a context you are compelling me to tolerate his parting. How is it possible?
Pullangulal-music of cowherds

A poem by: PeriSattanar, an authority in gold-caret testing at Vadamam village
The text is belongs to second century B.C. or earlier.

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