
Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Agananuru 274

It is midnight raining with thunders. The shepherd is standing alone guarding his cattle. A small fire-lamp, milk-pot, pot-hook made in rope, leather-umbrella covering his back-side, wetting body by snow lash on other-side and a stilt are his wealth for his life-hood. He makes a whistle in his mouth putting his folding index finger in his lips. On hearing the sound the foxes come to steal young sheep flow away through the thorn bush in forest.
She, my lover lives in such a pastoral land. She is a girl of chastity with clamoring beauty, the hero says.
fox killed lamb
The poem says, the shepherd is guarding the lambs from foxes by his whistling sound  

A poem by: IdaiKadanar
The text is belongs to second century B.C. or earlier.

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