
Monday, 22 August 2016

Agananuru 193

A story of a pit of meat
There are Highwaymen. They are interested only in route junction. They are not interested in rain-fall for their cultivation. Once they got a chance like festival. They killed a gang of passerby and shared their wealth. Eagles eat the blood stained meat of the fallen bodies. Some of them carry some pieces of meat to their young. While they are feeding, one of pieces of meat bits slipped down. A fox, aged by years catch the slipping bit and eats.
You, my mind, the hero says, have decided to go through such a dangerous route. That is o.k.; but I am not ready to fallow your instructions.
My girl is excellent in her beauty in all corners. She speaks sweet words. Her teeth are like sugarcane juice in bits. She is young to enjoy. Her breast is broad to sleep-on. I don’t come along with you instead of sleeping on her breast.
A poem by: Madurai Marutan Ilanaganar
The text is belongs to second century B.C. or earlier.

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