
Thursday, 11 August 2016

Agananuru 160

Clandestine love is going to change into wedded life. The bridegroom is coming to marry his lover in pampered. The friend-maid conveys the news to her lady. My heart jumps leaps and bounds in joy. Is your heart is also feels like my heart?  
Tortoise lays eggs in lagoon-sand and leaves them hiding in sand. During the season when the young once come out, the father-tortoise fosters them. The eggs resemble the marbles played line-drawn stage. Your lover is the Man of this kind of track. The days before, he came in chariot in night-time. But now he is coming in daytime. At that time before, he drives his horses slowly using wigs instead of pinning stick. Now, he drives the horse fast. At that time before, he came lonely; but now he is coming with his friends. I hope, he is going to marry you. 

male and female tortoise 

tortoise lays eggs

A poem by: Kumuli Gnalalar NapPasalaiyar
The text is belongs to second century B.C. or earlier.

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