
Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Agananuru 157

I cannot lie as a puppet lying on ground in rain and sun after playing in the show if he goes away leaving me here, the lady says to her friend-maid. Toddy was sold by women at that time. They will pour the toddy in newly handmade Palmyra-cups placing them aside. The warriors used to drink the toddy and go to war crying in revenge. The fallen men in the battle will be placed in a place called Patukkai. Usually the place will be under Kongam tree. The tree will have bush creeper Atiral climbed on. Elephants in early morning will eat the creepers. In such a dreadful route he, my lover will go on to earn wealth.
He says you this news you, my friend, is it right? If he goes leaving me here I will not live here as a puppet lying on ground without show action wetting in rain and drying in sun. The lady hints that she will die if he leaves.  

Palmyra cup with its tender fruit
this kind of cup is used to drink toddy 

puppet show 

A poem by: Vembattur Kumaranar
The text is belongs to second century B.C. or earlier.

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