
Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Agananuru 156

As the tassel on the face of the horse belongs to rich men the yield of paddy appears. Aged cows will sometimes eat freely the yield. So the farmer in guard ties the cow on Kanji tree using ropes made of creeper Pagal and Pagantrai. Instead of paddy they will feed the cow with sugarcane. You are a Man of the land adopt such practice. The friend-maid of the heroine says to the hero. She, my lady and I once played in gay with you Poital game making and dressing leaves-dress to avoid heat of the sun. What is wrong in it? She has pale in her complexion as she no contact with you for some time. Her mother tries to recover her health by worshiping God Murugan offering toddy and garlands. As she finds no cure in her daughter’s sickness she cries with tears in her eyes. What shall I do, I am worrying.
paddy yield like tassel of a horse 
A poem by: Avur Mulangilar
The text is belongs to second century B.C. or earlier.

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