
Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Natrinai 142

The habit of tolerating of a wife when her husband is away in a distance place earning or other purpose is said the culture of Mullai. She, my wife is a woman of that kind of tolerating chastity. She is a little girl. She will be happy even if guests come in night time without intimation to host. Her residence is in pastoral land.
Pastoral land – rain poured heavily on that day as the shy falls on ground. It is the last day of the season. The shepherd sold the milk carrying in his pot hook. He is watching sheep grassing. He stands balancing in his stick. He is carrying his pot hook and fire fling and stick in leather bag. He whistles in his mouth. He is wet in showers. His sheep feel happy with his shelter. That is the place where my girl dwells.
The hero says his friend in fallow.

Poet: IdaiKadanar
Poem belongs to 2nd century B.C.